Sunday, May 23, 2010

first tastes of summer

yesterday was a most wonderful day! the hubby came inside & asked if i thought that it was too hot to go pick berries. "no, of course not." if i had known what i was getting into, i might have
declined been more joyful about joining him. seriously, it turned out to be a very fun chore. the hubby, the boy, & I trekked to the pasture next to us & began our hunt. the bushes were loaded! Initially the boy was enjoying the bumpy ride in his stroller, but after the first hour or so i think he was over it. He might have bee more pleasant if we had allowed him to get out of the stroller but we weren't sure who the winner would be between boy & wild bush with thorns. finally after forcing us to feed him 100 or so fresh blackberries, he convinced us that it was time for a nap. i think the tell-tale sign was the bit of poo that was coming out of his pull-up & his shorts. after showering the boy, laying him down & returning to my picking, hubby & i yielded a huge harvest of 5pounds or more!!

guess what we did with that bountiful harvest? i made the blackberry cobbler that hubby has been asking for over the past year. i am so very proud! i think that i just might have the hang of this country life thing!

here's what i wish my cobbler looked like,
(image from,28548,1919650_1928713,00.html,28548,1919650_1928713, but it actually looked more like this with an island of crust. if i had to, i could always spoon out the liquid for a superb jam!

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